We would like to invite you to join law firms and law schools around the world in sponsoring the 2025 Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition. Held annually for over 60 years, the Jessup is the world’s largest moot court competition. With over 700 international law students from 150 schools across 100 countries in attendance, the International Rounds represent a unique opportunity to engage a talented and diverse audience around your university's programs.
To help you do so, we are offering four different sponsorship packages. In return for your sponsorship of the Jessup Competition, you will select several different marketing and advertising opportunities at the International Rounds, including Exhibition Tables, Team Packet Inserts, and Program Ads. Sponsors also receive their logo on our Website, listing in the Jessup International Rounds Program, as well as advertising throughout the year on our website or monthly newsletter.
In addition to the packages offered below, we are happy to work with you to create a customized sponsorship package that fits your budget and marketing interests. Simply send a message to [email protected] with your unique needs, and we will contact you shortly to discuss your package and pricing.
Sponsorship Packages
Exhibition Tables, Program Ads, and Team Packet Inserts
Exhibition Tables, Program Ads, and Team Packet Inserts are a great way to get your materials in the hands of hundreds of students from around the world. You can see the many different options available to schools below.
Exhibition Table |
This is a great way to interact with top law students from around the world! The Exhibition Fair at the International Rounds will be held during the check-in period immediately preceding the mandatory orientation for all teams. More than 700 students from nearly 100 countries will travel through the exhibition area at the Hyatt Regency on Capitol Hill, Washington, DC on their way to the Orientation Meeting (tentatively scheduled for 29 March 2025). Exhibition Table dimensions are approximately 6 feet long by 30 inches wide. Limited Quantity. Reserve Early. |
Program Ads |
Over 2,000 copies of the Jessup International Rounds Program are distributed to student competitors, coaches, and judges. Teams are guided through the Program during the mandatory Orientation Meeting, and it is referenced by all Competition participants throughout the week of International Rounds. The Program is posted on the ILSA website throughout the Competition and later added to the Jessup Archives. Program ads are available in Full-Page (5.3” wide x 8.3" tall) or Half-Page (5.3” wide x 3.85" tall) sizes. |
Team Packet Inserts |
Get promotional materials directly in the hands of competitors from more than 90 countries! Each Jessup team must pick up its Team Packet during the mandatory check-in period preceding Orientation. The Team Packet contains important Competition documents, including the Jessup International Rounds Program, Competition posters, Final Round judge biographies, and promotional material from advertisers. Packet inserts should be no larger than 12” x 16” and no more than 5 pages thick. Sponsors should provide ILSA with either 200 copies (1 per packet) or 700 copies (1 per student). |
Jessup App Ads
In order to provide our students with the most comprehensive experience possible during their time at the International Rounds in Washington, D.C., we launched the Jessup App.
Used every year by almost 1000 students, coaches, and judges, the Jessup App is an integral feature of the Jessup experience. By advertising on the Jessup app, you can ensure that hundreds of students learn about your institution and programs. Our app is available for all iOS and Android devices and offers a myriad of different advertising options to fit any campaign and budget. Look at the options below to decide which ones are the best fit for your organization. All sponsors receive a profile on the Jessup app. |
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Push Notifications | |
Push notifications are the optimal way to make important announcements and promotional offerings to attendees directly. These messages go straight to the attendees' phones and can direct them to an event or to a web page. Push notifications have a 140-character limit and can include a link. Limited Quantity. Reserve Early. | |
Banner Ads | |
Banner Ads appear at the top of the screen and are seen by everyone accessing the app. Banner ads rotate and can be connected to the sponsor's website. This is a great way to build brand awareness and reach attendees. Sponsors should provide ads in two sizes. 640 x 150 pixels for mobile devices and 552 x 150 pixels for tablets. All images should be in PNG, JPEG, or GIF format only. | |
Sponsor Profiles | |
All sponsors are invited to build profiles on the Jessup App. Profiles can contain photos, materials, contact information, and links to websites and social media. Attendees will be able to access these profiles before, during, and after the International Rounds. This is a great opportunity to connect with attendees and give them access to your materials and information. |
ILSA Web and Newsletter Ads and Mass Emailer
ILSA Web and Newsletter Ads as well as our Mass Emailers allow advertisers to reach ILSA's global audience of tens of thousands. Click here to learn more information.
ILSA.org Website Ads | |
ILSA.org website advertisements are prominently positioned on the right side of each page. The advertisement timeline will begin on your desired start date and end after the selected run time. Your advertisement alternates with a maximum of fourteen other advertisements. Ads should be 300px x 300px and should be submitted in JPG or PNG format. Ads may include a URL. You can find out more information about web advertisements here. | |
ILSA Newsletter Ads | |
ILSA newsletter advertisements are included in our monthly newsletter which is sent by email to more than 36,000 present and former competitors, coaches, and judges. Ads should be 300px x 300px and should be submitted in JPG or PNG format. Ads may include a URL. You can find out more information about ILSA newsletter ads here. | |
Mass Emailer | |
Get the word out about your programs to more than 39,000 students and legal professionals around the world. ILSA will work with you to design a custom email detailing your programs and then send it out to our extensive mailing list. You can find out more information about mass emailers here. |
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Event Sponsorship
Want your school to stand out? In addition to our four packages, we offer schools the opportunity to sponsor specific events during the course of the Jessup International Rounds in Washington, DC. Click below to see all of the options. If you're interested in sponsoring a Jessup event or would like to learn more, please email [email protected].
Go National Dress Ball – Thursday, April 13 | $12,500 |
At the most spectacular event during the International Rounds, attendees arrive dressed in traditional cultural outfits or fun costumes. A DJ spins diverse, international music for a dance floor full of Jessup Competitors. Most competitors are officially done with the competition, so the night is full of laughter, celebration, and camaraderie! Sponsors of the event will receive their choice of two complimentary advertising options. | |
Announcement Party – Wednesday, April 12 | $10,000 |
The Announcement Party is one of the most exciting events of the Jessup Competition. Students can’t wait to find out who advanced to the Advanced Rounds of the competition! Sponsors of the event will receive their choice of two complimentary advertising options. 2 co-sponsorships available. | |
Awards Reception – Saturday, April 15 | $10,000 |
On the final night of the International Rounds, competitors gather for one final celebration and the announcement of awards. The best oralists, top teams, and many more are recognized for their accomplishments. Sponsors will be recognized on signage and receive their choice of one complimentary advertising option. | |
Breakfast in the Student Lounge | $5,000 |
Hosting a breakfast in the Student Lounge is a great way to interact with the competitors. You are invited to set up a table with materials and have representatives in the room throughout the morning while students come by to enjoy food provided by the hotel. Limited Dates. Reserve Early. | |
Compromis Author Luncheon – Saturday, April 18 | $5,000 |
Students are always eager to find out who wrote the Compromis. At this event, held prior to the Championship Round, competitors meet the Compromis author for the first time and have an opportunity to ask him/her questions. He/she will be joined by a panel of experts on the Compromis topics. Sponsors are invited to include a panelist from their school or organization. 3 co-sponsorships available. | |
Judges Reception – Saturday, April 8 | $5,000 |
Jessup Judges travel from around the world to participate in the International Rounds and are an integral part of the competition. The Judges Reception is a key event at the International Rounds where judges are welcomed and given a brief orientation. When they are not volunteering at the Jessup, our judges are attorneys at leading law firms, NGOs, and corporations as well as judges, academics, and government representatives. The Sponsor will also receive their choice of complimentary advertising. 3 co-sponsorships available. |
If you don't see what you're looking for above, we are happy to work with you to create a customized package that fits your budget and marketing interests. Feel free to use the form below to send us message, and we will get back to you shortly, or send us an email at [email protected].