In Memoriam: Rusty Dalferes

5/1/1974 - 5/11/2022

Last week the Jessup family unexpectedly lost one of its most cherished members. Rusty Dalferes was a kind, intelligent, hilarious, and warm-hearted person who treated everyone he met with unreserved friendliness. Upon entering the Judges Room at the International Rounds any time in the last two decades you saw his huge smile and heard his resonant laughter.

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Jessup 2022 Dillard Award Winners Announced

The annual Hardy C. Dillard awards are named in honor of the late Judge Dillard of the International Court of Justice, who was a longtime supporter of the Jessup Competition.

The Award is presented to Teams for excellence in Memorial writing by comparing top Memorials across participating jurisdictions. Memorials of the Teams scoring the highest at Qualifying Rounds, and Memorials of the Teams scoring in the top 20 at the White & Case International Rounds are considered for the Award. Continue reading “Jessup 2022 Dillard Award Winners Announced”