Call For 2022 Jessup Problem Proposals!

The International Law Students Association (ILSA), the organization responsible for administering the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition, is soliciting proposals for issues to be addressed in the 2022 Jessup Problem. Proposals must be submitted to ILSA’s Executive Director, Lesley Benn, at [email protected], by 12 February 2021. The requirements for the proposal are available in PDF form. Problems from recent years are available for reference in Jessup History on our website.

New Jessup Swag Available!

In case you missed it, we recently released new Jessup swag, designed to be perfect for anyone involved in the Jessup–competitor, coach, advisor, judge, and all others! Products range from sweatshirts to ball caps to face masks. Visit our Bonfire Store to view our full range of products, and keep an eye out for more new designs.