Congratulations to the winners of the Hardy C. Dillard Award for Jessup 2019!

Congratulations to the winners of the Hardy C. Dillard Award for Jessup 2019!

1st – Dr. Ram Manohar Lohiya National Law University (India)
2nd – Universidade de Sao Paulo (Brazil)
3rd – Chulalongkorn University (Thailand)
4th – Belarusian State University, Faculty of Int’l Relations (Belarus)
5th – University of Queensland (Australia) Continue reading “Congratulations to the winners of the Hardy C. Dillard Award for Jessup 2019!”

Want to be a part of Jessup History?

Once reserved only for authors and editors, the naming of a Jessup Compromis character is an honor and privilege enjoyed by few. To raise money in support of the Jessup Competition, ILSA is giving one lucky person the opportunity to name a character, event or place in the 2020 Jessup Compromis. Donate today for a chance to have your name forevermore associated with the 2020 Jessup! Just imagine 3,000 Jessup competitors from 100 countries, saying your name or the name of the character *you* named. You’ll be Jessup famous!

Continue reading “Want to be a part of Jessup History?”