Problem: The Case Concerning the Suthan Referendum

Topics: The Jessup 2022 Competition concerned the admissibility of illegally-obtained evidence, foreign election interference, state-sanctioned suspension of social media accounts and the legality of extraterritorial cyber enforcement operations.

Location: Virtual

Dates: 24 March - 10 April, 2022

Jessup World Cup Champion: Harvard University
Team Members - Katherine Shen, Hannah Sweeney, Marta Canneri, Nanami Hirata, Stephanie Gullo
Coaches - Shayan Khan, Andrew Loewenstein, Peter Murray, Maria Laura Pessarini

Runner Up: Singapore Management University
Team Members - Brian Wong, Joel Soon, Wenyee Chang, Robbie Tan, Allen Chong
Coaches - Siyuan Chen, Joel Fun

Championship Round Judges
Judge Georg Nolte, ICJ
Judge Hilary Charlesworth, ICJ
Bruno Simma, University of Michigan Law School

Problem Authors: Joel Sherard and Victor Leong

Executive Director: Tessa Walker

Jessup 2022 Problem with Corrections and Clarifications - download as pdf or doc
Jessup 2022 Corrections and Clarifications - download as pdf or doc



First Batch of Basic Materials