Compromis: Case Concerning the Killing of a Government Leader by a United Nations Force (United Nations v. Afrania)

Topics: Seizure of Assets, Reprisals, Statehood, Legality of the Use of Force

Location: Statler-Hilton Hotel, Washington, D.C. 

Date: April 30, 1966

Jessup World Cup Champion
University of Texas (USA)
Team Members: Harry Tindall, Rob Parker, Neil Sullivan

Runner Up
University of Wisconsin (USA)
Team Members: Vance Waggoner, Delbert Smith, Tom Hutchinson

Final Round Judges
Hon. Charles Fahy – United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia
Hon. Edward D. Re – Chairman, U.S. Foreign Claims Settlement commission
Stephen M. Schwebel – United States Department of State

Problem Author
Robert M. Sielaty, George Washington University School of Law

Jessup Administrator: Robert M. Sielaty, George Washington University School of Law

Best Oralist: Vance Waggoner, University of Wisconsin (USA)

Best Memorial: University of Texas (USA)

Number of Teams Worldwide: 27

Number of Teams at the International Rounds: 5

Number of Countries1

Number of Countries at the International Rounds1