Compromis: Case Concerning the Transfer of Technology (Patria v. Justia)

Topics: Expropriation and Compensation, National Treatment of Foreign Licensors or Investors, Due Process Standards Under International Law, The Autonomy of Wills

Location: The Mayflower Hotel, Washington, D.C.

Date: April 28, 1979

Jessup World Cup Champion
Northwestern University (USA)
Team Members – Mark Chudzinski, Roberto Dziubla, Dario Robertson

Runner Up
University of Adelaide (Australia)
Team Members – Peter Allen, Terry Connolly

Final Round Judges
David G. Gill – Counsel, EXXON Corporation
Samuel K.B. Asante – Senior Advisor on Legal Matters – United Nations Centre on Transnational Corporations, Deputy Attorney Genereal of Ghana
Gabriel Wilner – Professor of Law, University of Georgia; Consultant on Legal Matters to UNCTAD

Problem Author 
Gabriel Wilner – Professor of Law, University of Georgia; Consultant on Legal Matters to UNCTAD

Jessup Fellow: Simon Langer

Administrative AssistantPamela M. Young 

Best Oralist (Championship Round): Terry Connolly, University of Adelaide (Australia)

Best Oralist (International Rounds): Renato Paguio, University of the Philippines (Philippines)

Best Oralist (US Rounds): John Leach, South Texas College of Law

Best Applicant Memorial (Richard R. Baxter Award): University of the Philippines (Philippines)

Best Respondent Memorial (Richard R. Baxter Award): University of the Philippines (Philippines)

Best Memorial Int’l. Rounds (Alona E. Evans Award): University of Toronto (Canada)

Best Memorial (US Rounds): University of Georgia

Best Memorial (US Regional Rounds – Rutgers Award): Northwestern University

Number of Teams Worldwide: 187

Number of Teams at the International Rounds: 34

Number of Countries32

Number of Countries at the International Rounds23