Compromis: Case Concerning a Dispute Between a Developing State & an Industrialized State (Naturalia v. Industria)

Topics: Sovereign Immunity, Diplomatic Protection for a Corporate Entity, Expropriation of Alien Property, Breaches of State Contracts

Location: The Shoreham Hotel, Washington, D.C.

Date: April 14, 1984

Jessup World Cup Champion
Dalhousie University (Canada)
Team Members – Joel Bakan, Kenneth Mills, Phillip Saunders, Hugh Williamson

Runner Up
South Texas College of Law (USA)
Team Members – David W. Holman, M. Kip Morgan, Katrina D. Packard, David J. Sacks, Chris DiFerrante

Final Round Judges
Sir Ian Sinclair, K.C.M.G., Q.C. – Legal Advisor to Her Majesty’s Foreign & Commonwealth Office, London, England
Mr. Cecil Hunt – Assistant General Counsel for International Trade, United States Department of Commerce
Mr. Samuel K.B. Asante – Director, Advisory & Informational Service Division, United Nations Center for Transnational Corporations

Problem Author
Mark B. Feldman, Esq. – Donovan, Leisure, Newton, & Irvine

Jessup Fellow: Elizabeth L. Rodgers

Administrative AssistantPamela M. Young 

Best Oralist (Championship Round): Phillip Saunders, Dalhousie University (Canada)

Best Oralist (International Rounds): Phillip Saunders, Dalhousie University (Canada)

Best Oralist (US Rounds): Thomas Bienart, Tulane University

Best Applicant Memorial (Richard R. Baxter Award): Freie Universitaet, Berlin (Germany)

Best Respondent Memorial (Richard R. Baxter Award): Freie Universitaet, Berlin (Germany)

Best Memorial Int’l Rounds (Alona E. Evans Award): Freie Universitaet, Berlin (Germany)

Best Memorial (US Rounds): Washington & Lee University

Best Memorial (US Regional Rounds – Rutgers Award): Tulane University

Number of Teams Worldwide: 197

Number of Teams at the International Rounds: 33

Number of Countries25

Number of Countries at the International Rounds22