All participants in ILSA programs, including the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court
Competition, are expected to understand, to respect, and to abide by the following Policy Regarding Sexual

  1. ILSA does not tolerate sexual harassment of any kind. That includes unwelcome sexual advances,
    requests for sexual favors, and/or verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. ILSA will not
    permit any of its programs to create an intimidating, hostile, humiliating, or sexually offensive
    environment for our staff, volunteers and participants.
  2. Every person involved in ILSA programs is covered by this Policy. In the Jessup Competition,
    judges, coaches, competitors, administrators, and volunteers must refrain from conduct that is
    inconsistent with it. We believe that everyone who plays any part in an ILSA program is entitled to
    do so in the confidence that he or she will not be subjected to sexual harassment in violation of this
  3. We will do everything in our power to address every instance of alleged harassment that is brought
    to our attention. We encourage all members of the ILSA community to feel that they are welcome
    to report such matters, and that their reports will be taken seriously.
  4. Reports alleging sexual harassment should be made to the Executive Director, the Chairperson of
    the Board of Directors, or to the regional/national administrator(s), as appropriate. Reports may be
    made in confidence, and all administrators, as well as Executive Office staff and volunteers, are
    instructed to respect requests for confidential treatment of such reports. Allegations should not be
    discussed or disclosed to individuals or groups outside of these channels.
  5. All allegations of sexual harassment will be investigated. If a complaint cannot be resolved
    informally, the Chairperson of the Board of Directors is vested with the authority to appoint three
    disinterested individuals to conduct an investigation and to recommend a resolution, including any
    remedial measures that might be necessary.
  6. If ILSA determines that an individual has engaged in a violation of this Policy, we may counsel the
    person, or restrict his/her participation in future ILSA events.